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"If You Live in a Democrat-Run State"

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"If You Live in a Democrat-Run State" Empty "If You Live in a Democrat-Run State"

Post by Wally The Whale Wed Aug 13, 2014 8:29 am

13 Maps That Show If You Live in a Democrat-Run State, Chances are You Want to Move (Repost)

This article is reposted not to show how bad Democrats are or how great Republicans are. It does outline the basic old school conservative principles of limited government intrusion on business, limiting taxes, and smaller goverment makes for a better state. Vermont is a great example of how NY/NJ/MA/CA style Democrats can literally destroy a state. It was always conservative, but NEVER current national Republican party extremist. Town meeting decided everything, there was freedom and democracy, yet there was old school conservative limited government and no intrusion. Now the ultra left from NY/NJ/MA/CA have taken over and the cost of living is through the roof. Businesses are moving out and so are the native Vermonter's who made the state great. The point is don't follow national Republican party extremism, but Ultra Left Wing Liberal politics (think Schumer/Bloomberg/Feinstein) is just as bad or WORSE! You can also look at the Republican extremist states of MS, LA, AL and see everyone lives in poverty with extreme Republicans saying no more handouts. Well if the Republican controlled big evil corporations didn't outsource all the jobs to China there would be more people working and less handouts! It's a 2 way street!

Who doesn’t love Democrat-run states? Well, a lot of people, according to a number of maps.
1. Red States, Blue States

"If You Live in a Democrat-Run State" St12za10

Red states have Republican Governors & state legislatures, Blue States have Democratic Governors & state legislatures. The lighter shade colors mean it’s split. Alright, ready to go?

2. Anybody Want to Move?

"If You Live in a Democrat-Run State" Hateit10

See any connection? If not, I’ll make it easy: If you really want to move, you’re more likely to be in a Blue State.

3. Whose State is the Best?

"If You Live in a Democrat-Run State" Best10

Even people from supposedly “important” states like New York and California don’t feel as good about their state as people from Montana, Utah or Texas.

4. Where is the Cost of Living Highest?

"If You Live in a Democrat-Run State" Col4q110

The answer is pretty obvious: Blue States.

5. Where are the Income Taxes Highest?

"If You Live in a Democrat-Run State" Income10


6. Where are the Property Taxes Highest?

"If You Live in a Democrat-Run State" Proper10

Surprised, anyone?

7. Where has the Economic Recovery Been Last Few Years?

"If You Live in a Democrat-Run State" Pasted_Image_1_14_14__8_39_AM

Look closely.

8. Where is Unemployment Lowest?

"If You Live in a Democrat-Run State" U.S-unemployment-map-Feb.
Red states – and it’s not an illusion of the chart.

9. Better Business Tax Climate?

"If You Live in a Democrat-Run State" 2014-s10

If you want to work without being penalized, guess where you want to move?

10. Where Would You Want to Pursue the American Dream?

"If You Live in a Democrat-Run State" Which-state-is-best-for-small-business2-790x1024
If you want to be a small business owner, good luck if you’re in a Blue state.

11. Blue States Tend to Be More Unequal, Too

"If You Live in a Democrat-Run State" Psn_images_dispatch_092713.gini_.coefficient.states1
While Texas and a few other red states experience inequality, the best ones are almost all Red States. The biggest Blue States, California and New York, are both ultra-liberal and terrible about income inequality. Data show that income equality correlates well with economic freedom.

12. Check Out New York and California.

"If You Live in a Democrat-Run State" States10

Also: Why is Connecticut so “Haunted”?

13. Both Red States and Blue States are Memorable

"If You Live in a Democrat-Run State" Enhanc10

There are also good things about Blue States – many of them are beautiful and quite “memorable.”
But let’s get real: Democrats are great at calling out people for every imagined form of bigotry, not so great at pushing policies that actually help the economy and promote happiness.
The point isn’t to “hate” on Blue States – it’s that everybody should have a chance to live the American Dream. When it comes to promoting freedom, the Republican Party has a lot of work to do. But odds are that it’s a lot harder to be happy if your life is being controlled by somebody else.
Wally The Whale
Wally The Whale

Posts : 7
Join date : 2014-01-12
Location : Georgia, USA

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